Torah, Chazal & Science

Référence: 0233b
Poids du colis: 1.5 kg

Auteur: Moshe Meiselman

Torah, Chazal & Science is a unique contribution in its emphasis on faithfulness to the Mesorah - the system of beliefs passed down from generation to generation - and on appreciation for the profundity of Chazal (the sages of the Talmud). The author's thesis is that valid solutions can come only from within the Torah's own framework. Moreover, remaining true to the classic sources is the best way to let the Torah's light shine forth. Authentic Torah sells itself.
Through this book the reader will gain a new appreciation for the Torah s truth and beauty.

Israel Bookshop Publ. 2013
ISBN: 9781600912436
Dimensions: 20 x 18 cm
Hardcover, 928 pages

Parcourir également ces catégories : Science and Nature, Contemporary