The Call of the Torah 4 Bamidbar (Numbers)

Référence: 1010
Poids du colis: 0.88 kg

Author: Rabbi Elie Munk

An Anthology of Interpretation and Commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Elie Munk zt"l of Paris, one of the most profound thinkers and teachers of the last generation, is best known to English readers as the author of "World of Prayer." His Torah commentary is the finest of his many works one that weaves the classic works of the revealed Torah and Kabbalah into a Chumash commentary of rare eloquence and lucidity. Includes Chumash text and translation.

Hardcover, 419 pages
Artscroll / Mesorah, 2009
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
ISBN: 0899060463 / 9780899060460

Parcourir cette catégorie : Classics