Living And Learning Encyclopedia - Rice

Référence: 1331
Poids du colis: 0.45 kg

Author: Menucha FUCHS
Illustrations: Racheli DAVID

Where does rice come from? 24 plastifies pages. Color-illustrations.

Rice, not bread, is the staple food for roughly half of the world's population. Most of the world's rice is grown in Asia, where rice-growing is often a family endeavor. Learn all about the unique process of rice growing, from flooding the paddies all the way until milling. Producing this ordinary-looking food is a lot more complicated than you think!

Hardcover, 24 pages
Menucha Publ., 2011
Dimensions: 27,5 x 23 cm
ISBN: 9781614650133

Parcourir cette catégorie : Young Readers