Book of Amazing Facts and Feats (1)

Référence: 205
Poids du colis: 1.32 kg

Author: Nattan HURVITZ and Aharon Yosef HOFFMAN

Step aside, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, and make room for a book that really makes a Jewish jaw drop! How big is the world's largest tallis? Which letter appears most in Tanach? Which animals can fly without wings? What is the driest place on Earth?
These facts and feats will dazzle and amaze you, with full-color pictures to enhance the experience. This book attests to the might and wonder of our Creator's world, giving a rich and colorful picture of the remarkable things that surround our everyday existence.

Feldheim, 2010
ISBN: 9781598264814
Hardcover, 178 pages
Dimensions: 31,5 x 23 cm.
Parcourir cette catégorie : Science and Nature