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Our Family, Our Strength

Référence: 1355
Poids du colis: 0,6 kg

Author: Tehilla ABRAMOV

The Jewish family is an edifice built on the foundations of love, understanding, and compassion. It's our life force. Now back in print, this bestseller shows us the traditional, time-tested Torah wisdom and lessons to help us create thriving Jewish homes, and teaches us to take its principles and bring them into our own homes. With warmth, insight, and experience, they show us how to raise confident, caring, and giving children, how to build a meaningful and lasting relationship with our spouses, how to communicate with our teenagers, and many more pearls of wisdom on matchmaking, marriage, in-law relationships, and more.

JME, 2007
Hardcover, 285 pages
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
ISBN: 1568711263 / 9781568711267

Parcourir également ces catégories : Dating and Marriage, Family Purity
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