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The Little Midrash Says 1 : Book of Beraishis

Référence: 1002
Poids du colis: 1,07 kg

Author: Rabbi Moshe WEISSMAN
Illustrations: Forst

The weekly Torah readings occupy, and rightly so, a prominent place in the Jewish child's heart and mind. "The Little Midrash Says" series was created to facilitate the child's understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the weekly parshyos. The striking illustrations help the child visualize the scenes described in the text. Parents and educators are urged to regard the text merely as a springboard and guide, and to elaborate on it according to the individual child's needs. The weekly quizzes ("Are you a parsha expert?") and the "problem of the week" should stimulate a family-wide discussion of the weekly Torah portion.

Hardcover, 286 pages
Dimensions: 28 x 21,5 cm
Bnay Yakov Publications, 2011
Parcourir cette catégorie : Bible for Children
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