11 - 20 sur 22 résultats

Rav Scheinberg

Référence: 0860
Poids du colis: 1 kg

Author: Rabbi Yechiel SPERO

Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt'l is a legend in the Torah world. The founder and Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Torah Ore, he was renowned for his brilliance and hasmadah and beloved for his stellar middos. Tens of thousands of Jews made their way to his quiet Jerusalem apartment to meet with him, learn from him, gain his blessing - or simply bask in the warmth of a gadol b'Torah.
Rabbi Yechiel Spero interviewed dozens of talmidim and others who knew Rav Scheinberg intimately. Under his talented hand, Rav Scheinberg and his incomparable rebbetzin come to vivid life, both in wonderful vignettes of their daily lives, and, even more, in the Torah wisdom that Rav Scheinberg taught for so many decades.
Far more than a biographical tribute to a gadol b'Torah, this a book that has the power to teach, inspire, and transform us. In these pages we seem to be able to hear his beloved voice, advising us on how to be better spouses or more loving parents, and find ways to make our lives more meaningful.

Hardcover, 504 pages
Dimensions: 24 x 16 cm
Artscroll/Mesorah, 2013
ISBN: 1422613704 / 9781422613702

Parcourir cette catégorie : Biographies

Reb Moshe

Référence: 0871
Poids du colis: 1,44 kg

Author: Rabbi Shimon FINKELMAN

Rabbi Finkelman has greatly expanded the original volume with scores of new anecdotes drawn from interviews with people whose lives were touched by the Rosh Yeshivah. It contains new documents and material culled from articles published over the last quarter of a century. Dozens of new photos, many of them never before published, enhance this magnificent volume.
This is a new book in a very real sense. It shines an even sharper light on Reb Moshe's life, his awesome greatness in Torah and superlative character.Reb Moshe was that rarity among human beings: the better one knew him, the more one stood in awe of his spiritual grandeur, his incredible wisdom, his boundless kindness, his unshakable faith.
This book ushers us into his aura of greatness and purity. We want to read it and reread it - again and again, - and share the stories with dear ones. In a world of moral squalor and degraded ethics, we long to touch the great and holy tzaddikim of the past. In this book, we do it! - and we will go away inspired to emulate the life of a humble giant named Rabbi Moshe Feinstein.

Hardcover, 530 pages
Artscroll / Mesorah, 2011
Dimensions: 26 x 18,5 cm
ISBN: 1422610845 / 9781422610848

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Parcourir cette catégorie : Biographies

Rav Elyashiv

Référence: 877
Poids du colis: 1 kg

Author: Rabbi Yehuda HEIMOWITZ

The undisputed posek hador. The gadol who carried the Torah world on his shoulders.
For close to a century, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv was a fixture in the Meah Shearim neighborhood of Yerushalayim, studying Torah day and night. Even during the decades that he served as a dayan (Rabbinic Judge) and played a key role in establishing the structure of the Beis Din Hagadol, his life revolved around his diligent Torah study. His sweet singsong voice rang out at first in the Ohel Sarah shul, and then resonated to every corner of the Torah world, through the thousands upon thousands of piskei halachah he issued and the profound guidance - in matters public and private - that he offered.
Yet for all that he was renowned and acknowledged as the generation's leader, he remained an enigma even to those closest to him. This stunning new book unravels much of the mystery of this gadol who was at once famed and hidden.
This fascinating portrait of Rav Elyashiv sheds light on the many different facets of this Torah giant: his incredible diligence and hasmadah, his absolute self-control, the warmth that lay behind his reticent, humble manner This comprehensive work features:
- A wealth of historical information about the Eretz Yisrael Rav Elyashiv grew up in and helped to shape
- Rare family photos and documents
- Behind-the-scenes views of political storms and halachic controversies
- Vignettes of Rav Elyashiv's personal life and conduct

Hardcover, 489 pages
Artscroll / Mesorah, 2013
Dimensions: 24,5 x 16,5 cm
ISBN: 1422613453 / 9781422613450
Parcourir cette catégorie : Biographies

Abir Yaacov - English

Référence: 0955
Poids du colis: 1,56 kg

Author: Chanoch REGAL

Abir Yaacob: The Life and Times of the Saintly Grand Rabbis of the Abichazira Dynasty.
The story of the great Moroccan Rabbinic Abuchatzeira dynasty which includes the famous Rabbi Babi Sali.
Written originally in Hebrew by Chanoch Regal.
Translated by Nechemiah Klein.

Hardcover, 2 volumes
Dimensions: 25 x 18 cm

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Anatomy of a Search

Référence: 980
Poids du colis: 0,4 kg

Author: Akiva TATZ

This book takes us inside the “Teshuva Revolution.” Our guide is Dr. Akiva (Kevin) Tatz, a physician who journeyed from a medical practice in Johannesburg, South Africa to a yeshivah in Jerusalem.
In these pages, he takes us on an exciting and stimulating tour through his experiences in medical school, as a young doctor faced with the drama of the emergency room and operating theater, through his work in the violence of South Africa’s bush war, and, later, on to Yeshiva Ohr Somayach and its kollel. He shares with us the dramatic, personal sagas of well-educated, searching men and women groping their way into the world of Orthodox Judaism.
We will share the life of Akiva Tatz, intellectual physician turned rabbi and mentor. We’ll share his life and the lives of the young people from many backgrounds whom he meets and tutors. We’ll step into the thought processes of young people searching for a better reality, and we’ll find ourselves gripped by their quest and drawn into their ascent. We’ll gain a first-hand insight into Jews returning to their roots and creating one of the most exciting, most inspiring elements in today’s Jewish world.

Hardcover, 128 pages
Artscroll / Mesorah, 2006
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
ISBN: 0899065503 / 9780899065502
Parcourir cette catégorie : Biographies

Shlomie !

Référence: 0527
Poids du colis: 0,72 kg

Author: Rabbi Shimon FINKELMAN

Shlomie Gross evoked joy and excitement wherever he went. He was a successful businessman and an activist for more worthy causes than anyone knew about.
In this unusual, riveting biography, you will come to know the many facets of this unique person. Shlomie was blessed with devoted parents whom he loved and respected and who imbued him with the values that stayed with him all his life, but he faced great challenges growing up.
He had a restless nature and could not focus in the classroom. He went from yeshivah to yeshivah, searching for the success that eluded him. As he matured and married his ezer k'negdo, Shlomie became more adept at channeling his boundless energy positively. And then an encounter with a renowned rosh yeshivah became a life-changing experience. From then on he grew as a ben Torah, and his young family grew with him.
Shlomie was, in his own words, "a regular guy." He was wrong. People who knew him recognized that in his chesed and love of fellow Jews he was one in a generation. He revered gedolei Yisrael and they in turn loved and admired him. They knew that his was the shoulder that every poor man, every widow and orphan, could lean on for support.
He also developed a relationship with troubled teenagers whose lives he helped turn around. They came to realize that everyone could be like Shlomie - and many of them changed their lives because of his encouragement and example.
When you read this book you'll love him and wish you had known him. You'll Say that knowing him would have made you a better person. You'll find yourself saying, "What would Shoimie have done?" And you'll do it!

Artscroll, 2013
Softcover, 328 pages
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
ISBN: 1422613720 / 9781422613726

Parcourir cette catégorie : Biographies

The Klausenberger Rebbe

Référence: 0967
Poids du colis: 0,81 kg

Author: Judah Lifschitz

As World War II raged and Hitler's Final Solution for European Jewry was brutally implemented, the Jewish people desperately needed a leader- a leader of extraordinary intellect, boundless devotion to the Almighty and His people, and most of all, superhuman mesiras nefesh, self sacrifice. Out of the blazing fires of the Nazi inferno came just such a man: Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rebbe.
From a young age his diligence and accomplishments in Torah study and his outstanding character marked him for greatness. But it was in the hellfires of Auschwitz, Dachau, and the Warsaw Ghetto that the enormity of the Klausenberger Rebbe's spirit became apparent for all to see. Suffering personal loss, tragedy and brutality that would drive an ordinary person to the depths of despair, the Klausenberger Rebbe soared to immeasurable spiritual heights. Refusing to compromise his observance of mitzvos in even the slightest way, Rav Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam was a defiant inspiration to his suffering fellow Jews. With the war's end, his spirit unbroken despite his suffering, he inspired his fellow survivors, bringing hope to the hopeless and the light of faith to those whose world had been darkened.
In this scrupulously researched and beautifully written biography, we meet this rare and towering giant, a tzaddik whose faith in the face of the overwhelming adversity of the Holocaust will uplift us and inspire us to reach for greater spiritual heights.
This is a combined edition of the previously published two volumes: The Wars Years and Rebuilding.

Feldheim Publishers, 2012
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
Hardcover, 342 pages
ISBN: 9781583303443

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Baba Sali Our Holy Teacher

Référence: 1237
Poids du colis: 0,63 kg

Author: Rav Elyahu ALFASI (his shamash) & Rav Yechiel TORGEMAN (his grandson)

Miracle worker, revered Rabbi, devoted Talmudic scholar, holy man, leader and teacher of the Sephardic community in Morocco and Israel -- these all describe one man: Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah, lovingly known to his thousands of followers as Baba Sali, Arabic for "our praying father."
Written by his shamash and his grandson.

Hardcover, 264 pages
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm

Judaica Press, 2011

ISBN: 9781607630609

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Ben Ish Hai

Référence: 1238
Poids du colis: 0,82 kg

Author: Yehuda AZOULAY

Who was this righteous and holy tzaddik, this giant of Sephardic Jewry whose Torah teachings and halachic responsa from Bavel spread throughout the entire Jewish world, influencing Jewish history forever?

In this magnificent biography Yehuda Azoulay paints an accurate and vivid portrait of this multi-faceted tzaddik and hacham. Readers will emerge from this book with a most profound understanding of the life and the times of the Ben Ish Chai, as well as an unprecedented appreciation for who this tremendous gadol hador was.

Hardcover, 416 pages
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm                                                                                                                                                 Judaica Press, 2011                                                                                                                                                       ISBN: 9781600911255

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The Rishonim

Référence: 1377a
Poids du colis: 0,58 kg

Author: Rabbi Hersch GOLDWURM

Biographical sketches of 300 prominent 10th-15th-century Rabbinic sages and leaders such as Rashi, Rambam, R' Gershom Meor HaGolah. Traces the beginnings of Jewish communities in each part of the continents.

Hardcover, 227 pages
Artscroll / Mesorah, 2012
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm

ISBN: 0899064523 / 9780899064529

Parcourir cette catégorie : Biographies
11 - 20 sur 22 résultats