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Sforno: Commentary on Pirkei Avos

Référence: 1085
Poids du colis: 0,64 kg

Author: Rabbi Ovadiah SFORNO
Translation and explanatory notes: Raphael Pellcovitz

R' Ovadia Sforno of 16th-century Italy, a classic Torah commentator, wrote a brilliant, seldom published Commentary on Avos. Now it is available in Hebrew and English. Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz, translator of Sforno's Commentary on Torah, does the same for Avos.

Hardcover, 205 pages
Artscroll / Mesorah, 2012

Dimensions: 23,5 x 16,5 cm
ISBN: 0899063888 / 9780899063881

Parcourir cette catégorie : Pirkei Avos
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