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The Little Midrash Says 6 : Book of Yehoshua

Référence: 0019a
Poids du colis: 0,95 kg

Author: Rabbi Moshe WEISSMAN
Illustrations: Forst

This series was created to facilitate the child's understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the Bible. Parents and educators are urged to regard the text merely as a springboard and guide, and to elaborate on it according to the individual child's needs. Readers will find characters they have met in the Torah, such as Yehoshua, Kalaiv, and Tzelafchad's five daughters. They will also become acquainted with Rachav, who risks her life to save the Jewish spies, and they will learn fascinating details about the conquest and distribution of Eretz Canaan.

Hardcover, 128 pages
Dimensions: 28 x 21,5 cm
Bnay Yakov Publications, 2019

Parcourir cette catégorie : Bible for Children
15 - 15 sur 17 résultats