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The Laws of Yom Tov

Référence: 1282
Poids du colis: 0,75 kg

Author: Rabbi Simcha Bunim COHEN

A Comprehensive Halachic Guide to the Laws and Practices of the Festivals.

The Yom Tov laws are a gray area, so to speak, because many of the Shabbos labors are permitted -- but under limited circumstances. What are the circumstances? What are the limitations? Rabbi Cohen explains the principles and parameters so that the reader has a clear understanding of the rules. Only then does he turn to specific cases. And, as is his forte, he deals with current situations, the sort of utensils and cases that one will not find spelled out clearly in the classic works of Halachah.

Hardcover, 315 pages
ISBN: 1578191629 / 9781578191628
Mesorah Publications, 2009
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm

Parcourir cette catégorie : Festivals
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