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Children in Halachah

Référence: 0478
Poids du colis: 0,66 kg

Author: Rabbi Simcha Bunim COHEN

Chinuch is not only a joy, it is a duty, a mitzvah. To raise a child properly, a parent must master a large and complex body of Halachah. The issues are varied and the answers are not always readily available.
* What may one launder for a child on Chol HaMoed?
* How should one prepare baby cereal on Shabbos?
* Should one buy arbah minim for a child?
* May one use ma’aser money to pay tuition?
* How should one warm baby bottles on Shabbos?
* At what ages do duties and prohibitions come into play?
The questions are endless; the answers are enlightening – for Halachah is the way of Jewish life, a road map through desire, need, and confusion. All the pertinent halachic details regarding children and Kashrus, Tznius, Yomim Tovim, Brochos as well as an all encompassing treatment of children and Shabbos are included in this masterpiece.
This work is a distinguished and valuable addition to the new genre of halachic works that are responding to today’s need for clear, accurate, and comprehensive answers to the new and practical questions that arise day in, day out.

Mesorah Pubns, 2009
Hardcover, 235 pages
Dimensions: 25,5 x 16 cm
ISBN: 0899066119 / 9780899066110

Parcourir cette catégorie : Other Issues
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