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From Buffalo Burgers to Monetary Mysteries

Référence: 777
Poids du colis: 0,66 kg

Author: Yirmiyohu KAGANOFF

Have you ever wondered which berachos we will recite when Moshiach comes? Pondered why bee honey is kosher when bees are not? Wondered whether you should or shouldn’t divulge information in a shidduch?
Learn about these and many more fascinating she’eilos as respected rav and prolific author, Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff, takes you on an incredible journey through the living sea of halachah. He guides you through the intricacies of whether or not kohanim should be afraid of confederate ghosts to understanding the ins and outs of grafted esrogim to introducing you to a genuine Noahide, and much, much more.
Benefit from the author’s many years of experience dealing with fascinating halachic queries on a wide variety of topics. Each case is analyzed and explained from the earliest source in the Torah down to the latest poskim. The author’s rare ability to reduce complex issues into easy-to-follow discussions will keep you mesmerized as you follow him through his presentation. You will be treated to a blend of classic Torah learning while being entertained by the author’s characteristic wit and humor as he plumbs the depths of halachah.
From Buffalo Burgers to Monetary Mysteries is a unique work that will surely fascinate and delight the layman and scholar alike.

Torah Temimah, 2012
Hardcover, 311 pages
ISBN: 9789657599044
Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm
Parcourir cette catégorie : Other Issues
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