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The Tzetel Katan

Référence: 1272
Poids du colis: 0,67 kg

Rabbi Elimelech mi-Lizhensk (1717-1787)


Inspiration for a Holy Life from the Chasidic Master Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk.

One of the greatest legacies left to us by a Chasidic Master. It is a handbook for serving G-d that seeks to purify and elevate its readers spiritually and emotionally, and is filled with holy and practical advice on how to deepen one's love and fear of G-d. The present volume offers a clear and lucid translation of the Tzetel Katan and Hanhagos Ha'Adam. These texts are framed by prayers, teachings and anecdotes drawn from numerous classic sources, which shed further light on R. Elimelech's words, and provide the reader with practical and emotional guidance on the spiritual path.

Hardback, 282 pages

Israel Bookshop, 2015

ISBN: 9781600913792

Dimensions: 23,5 x 16 cm



Parcourir cette catégorie : Classics
13 - 13 sur 18 résultats