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Lekicha Tama: the Lulav and Esrog Buying Guide

Référence: 1669
Poids du colis: 0,6 kg

Author: Rabbi Avrohom REIT

Having this useful guide is like having an experienced and entertaining tour guide walk you through the Arba Minim market, helping you choose your Arba Minim with confidence.

A user-friendly manual with a common sense approach, written for today's shopper, all the relevant halachos have been carefully chosen and presented in clear, simple language, accompanied by beautiful color photographs. Lines are carefully drawn between minimal requirements of kashrus, chumra, and hiddur mitzvah.

History, botany, practical tips and anecdotes from Gedolim are neatly woven throughout the text, expanding the reader's understanding and skills.

Tekufas Hashana, 2012
Softcover, 128 pa
ISBN: 9780985972110

Dimensions: 20,5 x 23,5 cm

Parcourir également ces catégories : Ellul-Tishri, Festivals
17 - 17 sur 19 résultats