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The Hirsch Siddur

Référence: 0121
Poids du colis: 0,95 kg

Author: Rabbi Samson Raphael HIRSCH

Rav Hirsch examines the structure and meaning of words, explores the underlying themes and ideas of the Siddur, and discusses the rhythm and cycle of tefilla around the day, week, month, and year.

Here is an all-encompassing commentary that eloquently bridges the universal and the personal: the purpose and meaning of Creation along with the historical mission of Klal Yisroel, as ultimately expressed through the personal yearnings of each and every Jew, in tefilla.

Feldheim, 2018
ISBN: 1680250698 / 9781680250695
Hardcover, 825 pages.

Dimensions: 21 x 14 cm

Parcourir cette catégorie : Guides and Commentary
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